

  • Tomatoes - 10/5 pieces/kg
  • Peeled sweet pepper - 4/2 pieces/kg
  • Peeled garlic - 3/0.6 head/kg
  • Hot pepper - 4/0.30 pieces/kg
  • Salt - 1/0.20 st.l/kg
If you have such a fun company in your refrigerator, then there is an opportunity to invite this company to the kitchen table to impress you, your family and your guests with a great spicy seasoning. This seasoning is very popular in Central Asia, where it is called very simply - Thistle.

Thistle recipe


Wash the vegetables and prepare for chopping in a meat grinder: peel the sweet pepper and garlic, cut off the stalks (tails) of the bitter pepper, cut the tomatoes into quarters.


Pass the prepared vegetables through a meat grinder with a fine grate.


Salt the chopped vegetables, mix well and put in a cool place (refrigerator / cellar) to stand for 1-2 days.


Mix the sauce again and put it in a container in which it will be convenient for you to store it: for example, in liter jars, cover with plastic, leaky lids.


Store in a cool place - in the refrigerator or cellar.

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